The TBS designed cast alloy lip systems provide a unique engineered design, proven to extend lifecycles of the bucket it protects by up to 3 times! The family of wear products has 3 options, depending on the size of your bucket – we can accommodate a volume range from 1 yd3 to 15 yd3. Our system can be a weld-on, or fully mechanical bolt-on front end, that is easy and efficient to install.
Ultimately, our design provides maximum wear and asset protection for all makes, models, widths, types, and configurations of bucket lips used on LHD scoop trams or front-end loaders. We have proven to offer superior performance over our competitors, including contours for maximum penetration, and a self-sharpening design. Our lip casting has a hardness of 425 Brinell, and strategically located 700 Brinell specialty alloy inserts for additional abrasion protection – the balance offers superior wear resistance while maintaining weld ability.
In summary, this all adds up to a longer service life with increased production between change-outs. We back our performance claims with onsite audits. We are market leaders with these designs and continue to evolve them following in-field assessments for improvement.
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